Stream temperature data will be compiled from federal and provincial government agencies, as well as other data holders in British Columbia which will be housed in an interagency database. Spatial statistical models for river networks like those used for NorWeST will be used with these data to develop a consistent set of high-resolution predictions for all streams and reaches within streams for a pilot area within the Cascadia ecotypic area of the GNLCC (i.e., middle Fraser River and Okanagan River basins). The pilot area work would entail development of technical protocols so that future efforts could be scaled broadly across BC and the northern half of the GNLCC to ultimately provide a consistent set of international...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Aquatic Connectivity,
British Columbia,
Climate Change,
Columbia Basin, All tags...
Data Acquisition and Development,
Data Management and Integration,
Decision Support,
Federal resource managers,
Goal 2: Conserve landscape connectivity,
Goal 3: Maintain hydrologic regimes,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Land Use Change,
Regional & county planners,
Riparian Areas,
onGoing, Fewer tags