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Brian F. Atwater

This part of the release provides an updated georeferenced catalog of limestone boulders and cobbles pertaining to extreme waves on Anegada, a low Caribbean island perched south of the Puerto Rico Trench. Tabulated are 660 limestone clasts, along with clast dimensions and long-axis trend in many instances. Fewer than one-fifth of the clasts were reported previously in and Most were surveyed in 2017.
This part of the data release lists 18 localities where the shells of the tiger lucine Codakia orbicularis, a large marine bivalve, have been found on Anegada. Typically the shells were encountered a few tens of centimeters below ground in pits dug into sand. Most of the examples listed in the dataset were previously reported in -- field occurrences described p. 322, provenance interpreted p. 324, discordant radiocarbon ages discussed p. 324, and examples illustrated and mapped in Figure A9. The radiocarbon ages from lucines tabulated in this data set range across six radiocarbon centuries.
This part of the release provides an updated georeferenced catalog of coral boulders and cobbles pertaining to extreme waves on Anegada, a low Caribbean island perched south of the Puerto Rico Trench. The main taxa listed are the boulder star coral Orbicella franksii (37 localities), brain coral Pseudodiploria strigosa (171), elkhorn coral Acropora palmata (36), mustard hill coral Porites astreoides (29).
This release provides inventories of georeferenced evidence pertaining to extreme waves on Anegada, a low Caribbean island perched south of the Puerto Rico Trench: CORAL BOULDERS AND COBBLES -- Derived offshore, found inland. Boulder star coral Orbicella franksii (37 localities), brain coral Pseudodiploria strigosa (171), elkhorn coral Acropora palmata (36), mustard hill coral Porites astreoides (29). LIMESTONE BOULDERS AND COBBLES -- Derived and found onshore (633). MOLLUSCAN SHELLS -- Queen conch Aliger gigas, discarded by precolonial fishers (12 onshore heaps) and by modern fishers (40 offshore heaps); individual conch shells deposited inland by precolonial sea flood (59); tiger lucine Codakia orbicularis, also...
This part of the data release provides a slightly expanded georeferenced catalog of field evidence for maximum water levels attained near the south shore of Anegada during 2010 Hurricane Earl, of category 4. The catalog consists of 13 localities observed in February 2011, six months after the hurricane. Wrack of plant fragments was the high-water indicator identified at most of them. Elevations have been estimated by extracting bare-ground elevations from a 2014 lidar survey, and by adjusting for heights above ground to which the wrack extended. The localities include two in eastern Anegada that were not reported in
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