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Brian P Benscoter

This study monitored soil surface elevation change from mangrove forests fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus from 2018-2021. The mangroves selected at Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) have been previously exposed to high nutrient loading from agricultural discharge into the Caloosahatchee River, which elevated soil phosphorus levels to 3-4 times ambient before treatments were impose. Sea-level rise vulnerability with additional nitrogen and phosphorus is a concern for these mangrove ecosystems.
This study evaluated CO2 flux from soils and pneumatophores of Avicennia germinans mangrove trees subjected to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization versus an unfertilized control with a basin mangrove ecosystem. Data were collected twice, once in the summer (June 2020) and once in the winter (November 2020) and will be used to help develop a carbon budget for basin mangroves on Sanibel Island, Florida. These data were presented as part of an M.S. Thesis (Florida Atlantic University, Natalie T. Faron, 2021), entitled “The impact of nutrient loading on the soil and root respiration rates of Florida mangroves”.
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