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Christopher Custer

Fish catch and effort data for three species caught in gill nets and trap nets between 1988 and 2019 as part of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) fisheries surveys conducted during the summer and early fall are included from over 1,300 Minnesota lakes. The three fish species included are: bluegill (Lepomis marochirus) a warm-water adapted species, yellow perch (Perca flavescens) a cool-water adapted species, and cisco (Coregonus artedi) a cold-water adapted species. Additional data concerning lake characteristics and surrounding land cover were also included. Mean July lake surface temperature was calculated using simulated daily water temperatures. Watershed land use including agricultural, barren,...
Climate change affects the abundance and distribution of species worldwide. Poikilothermic animals comprise most species on Earth and are extremely sensitive to changes in environmental temperatures. Predicting species responses to climate change when temperatures exceed the bounds of observed data is fraught with challenges. Here, we combine empirical observations of species abundance and environmental conditions across the landscape with laboratory-derived data on the physiological response of poikilotherms to changes in temperature to predict species geographical distributions and abundance in response to climate change. We show that predicted changes in distributions, local extinction, and abundance of cold,...
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