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Corey R Lawrence

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Soil Sample Archive is a database of information describing soil and sediment samples collected in support of USGS science. Samples in the archive have been registered with International Generic Sample Numbers, relabeled with bar-coded sample labels, and repacked in containers for long-term preservation. Details of sample collection location, collection date, associated datasets, mass of remaining sample, storage locations, and other relevant information are tabulated here so that interested parties may identify associated datasets and search, sort, and gain access to archived samples.
These datasets are from an incubation experiment with a combination of two minerals (feldspar or amorphous aluminum hydroxide), one living species of bacteria (Escherichia coli), and one added form of C (Arthrobacter crystallopoietes necromass). We characterized the sorptive properties of the minerals with batch sorption experiments using four low molecular weight C substrates (glucose, oxalic acid, glutamic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid): this data is provided in the SterileSorptionData file. We then conducted a 3-wk long incubation in serum vials or imaging chambers. In both incubations, feldspar (200 mg) or amorphous aluminum hydroxide (100 mg) was given 1 of 4 different treatments: (1) a water control with autoclaved...
Karst systems are useful for examining spatial and temporal variability in Critical Zone processes because they provide a window into the subsurface where waters have interacted with vegetation, soils, regolith, and bedrock across a range of length and time scales. The majority of Critical Zone research has emphasized silicate lithologies, which are typified by relatively slow rates of reactivity and incongruent weathering. However, weathering of carbonate dominated lithology can result in secondary mineral deposits, such as speleothems, which provide a long-term archive for Critical Zone processes. Examination of carbon isotope variability in speleothems has the potential to provide records of changes in vegetation,...
Early studies of soil formation highlighted several key factors that together determine the degree of soil pedogenesis, which include climate, organisms (including vegetation), topography, and parent material (Jenny H.; 1941; Factors of Soil Formation, a System of Quantitative Pedology; A soil chronosequence is defined as a series of soils in which all soil-forming factors except time are similar, where time is represented by soil or landform age. In 1978, the late Denis Marchand launched a project to identify, sample, and analyze soil profiles from seven soil chronosequences in the Western United States. The resulting datasets were compiled as part of a...
Our objective is to develop improved integration of data and models of soil and ecosystem processes at the regional scale in order to better quantify change in response disturbances, particularly drought. Specifically, we synthesize existing and generate new datasets of soil properties of soils form the Upper Colorado River Basin region of the Western US. Data types include geospatial databases and maps; soil physical, chemical, and biological datasets; soil hydrologic data; stream and river chemistry associated with regional mapping of soils; model input parameterizations and output data.
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