Two principal physiographic province of Mars are represented in the Aeolis quadrangle: (1) Elysium Planitia in the north is part of a broad planet-encircling belt of relatively young lowland plains, and (2) cratered highlands in the south consist of rough primitive terrain that extends to polar deposits around the southern ice cap (Condit and Soderblom, 1978; Scott and Carr, 1978). These two terrains are separated by an irregular discontinuous northwest-trending scarp that becomes less conspicuous and more segmented toward the east part of the map area. Two large channels transect the highlands; they widen northward downslope and have other features characteristic of terrestrial river beds. However, no fans or deltaic...
Basic information about the planetary surface of the Kuiper quadrangle is provided by three sequences of high-quality photographs designated Mercury I, II, and II, obtained during the incoming phases of three encounters of the Mariner 10 spacecraft with Mercury. Mercury I includes 75 whole-frame photographs of the Kuiper quadrangle; Mercury II, 13 whole-frame photographs; and Mercury III, 70 quarter-frame photographs. The photographs include 19 stereopairs in the southern part of the quadrangle. The most distant of the photographs was taken at an altitude of 89,879 km, the closest at an altitude of 7,546 km. Resolution, therefore, varies widely but ranges from about 1.5 to 2.0 km over most of the area.
The Macrobius quadrangle is in the northeast quadrant of the Moon's near side. Although predominantly a highland area centered around the Taurus Mountains (Montes Taurus), it is bounded b three major mare-filled basins; Tranquillitatis, the oldest, to the south; Serenitatis to the west; and Crisium on the east. Most of the geologic units within the quadrangle have been profoundly affected by the formation of these basins and by that of the younger Imbrium basin farther to the northwest. Some of the youngest material on the Moon, believed to be of volcanic origin, blankets part of the mare and terra along the southwest margin of the map. Sampling this material will be a primary objective of the Apollo 17 mission,...