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Daniel Adams

Despite its successes, the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) has proven challenging to implement due to funding limitations, workload backlog, and other problems. As threats to species survival intensify and as more species come under threat, the need for the ESA and similar conservation laws and policies in other countries to function efficiently has grown. Attempts by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to streamline ESA decisions include multispecies recovery plans and habitat conservation plans. We address species status assessment (SSA), a USFWS process to inform ESA decisions from listing to recovery, within the context of multispecies and ecosystem planning. Although existing SSAs have a single-species...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The Southeast Conservation Blueprint is a map of important areas for conservation and restoration across the Southeast and Caribbean. The Blueprint is the primary product of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS). Through SECAS, diverse partners are working together to design and achieve a connected network of lands and waters that supports thriving fish and wildlife populations and improved quality of life for people.
This indicator counts the number of aquatic species within each 12-digit HUC subwatershed in West Virginia that are listed as G1 (globally critically imperiled), G2 (globally imperiled), or threatened/endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. It originates from the Environmental Protection Agency’s EnviroAtlas data.Reason for SelectionThis indicator identifies areas with abundant rare and endemic aquatic species that would benefit from conservation action. It captures patterns of rare and endemic species diversity not well-represented by other freshwater indicators. It complements the other imperiled aquatic species indicator, which uses aquatic Species of Greatest Conservation Need, but does not yet cover...
This indicator measures the number of aquatic animal Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) observed within each 12-digit HUC subwatershed, including fish, mussels, snails, crayfish, and amphibians. SGCN are identified in State Wildlife Action Plans as most in need of conservation action. This indicator originates from state Natural Heritage Program data collected by the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership and applies to the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimated floodplain, which spatially defines areas estimated to be inundated by a 100-year flood, also known as the 1% annual chance flood.Reason for SelectionThis indicator identifies areas with abundant rare and endemic aquatic species that would...
Abstract (from U.S. Geological Survey): The unglaciated southeastern United States is a biodiversity hotspot, with a disproportionate amount of this biodiversity concentrated in grasslands. Like most hotspots, the Southeast is also threatened by human activities, with the total reduction of southeastern grasslands estimated as 90 percent (upwards to 100 percent for some types) and with many threats escalating today. This report summarizes the results of a multistakeholder workshop organized by the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative and the U.S. Geological Survey, held in January 2020 to provide a scientific needs assessment to help inform the Species Status Assessment (SSA) process under the U.S. Endangered Species...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
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