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Daniel Bunting

This is a grant to support the continuation of the Fishes of Texas Program. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and their recipient, University of Texas at Austin, manage the Fishes of Texas program and the Native Fish Conservation Network (NFCN). This funding will support staff (i.e., research associate) operations that are required for continued stewardship of these important resources that are utilized by state and federal agencies as well as private and academic institutions. This effort has five main Objectives:For Objective 1, the research associate will compile and collate all research, monitoring, and restoration projects conducted within the 20 Texas Native Fish Conservation Areas (NFCAs) since the...
This project will refine the hierarchical prioritization within and across the Texas Native Fish Conservation Areas (NFCAs) for integration into the comprehensive revisions of the Texas Conservation Action Plan in 2025. Research products (SDMs and hierarchical prioritization of NFCAs) will guide efforts that result in long-term focus for management and make the most efficient use of limited conservation resources for maintaining or improving conditions for Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) fishes. Research products can subsequently be used to support efforts such as: updating Species Status Assessments used to inform revisions of the SGCN and State Threatened and Endangered species lists, refining the...
We created ADAPT to help partners make science-informed decisions related to species and habitat prioritization across the Southwest United States. We used Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) to analyze the data at a 1-km resolution. We used climate and land use change data generated from CMIP 6 climate models. Count data were from eBird surveys and converted to presence/absence data for analysis. Our model consisted of fixed effects of elevation, land cover type, and effort with random effects for year and site as well as a spatial random effect. We implemented the effect of relative humidity as a spatially-varying coefficient such that the effect of relative humidity on occupancy can vary at each grid...
Managers typically estimate wildlife abundance using surveys within a timeframe that favors increased detectability; however, the ability to account for probabilities of inclusion, detection, and/or presence within a given sampling area is often limited. Cranes provide a good opportunity to research count accuracy because they are large, conspicuous, and often congregate during part of the year, typically on staging areas (i.e., fall and spring) or on wintering grounds. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (1) to evaluate how environmental factors influence crane movement in and out of crane survey areas to identify the best window of availability for annual survey counts, and (2) to evaluate environmental...
We leveraged the Land Change Modeler within the Clark Labs’ TerrSet 2020 Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling Software package to produce vulnerability assessments and land use change products for several land use land cover types (TerrSet 2020, TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development.We examined land use change and persistence across the southwestern US during an 18-yr window using 2001 and 2019 NLCD products reclassified into 9 categories. We investigated 15 potential variables to evaluate the top drivers responsible for the observed change. The targeted land use land cover categories included development,...
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