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Daniel Wieferich, Wesley M. Daniel, Dana M. Infante

This product was updated. The newest version can be found here: Using a combination of tabular and spatial data queries, we identified 121,207 flowlines in the hydrological framework of the NHDPlusV1 that were created due to breaks in flowlines resulting from flowline intersection with quadrangle map boundaries. We found instances of this occurring in all 18 processing units of the NHDPlusV1 dataset. To aid in managing for this characteristic of the NHDPlus, we developed this EcoReach table (nhdplusv1_ecoreach.csv) that assigns all flowlines into units that are representative of ecological stream reaches. Using similar techniques as described in...
Using a combination of tabular and spatial data queries, we identified 133,111 flowlines in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) that were created due to breaks in flowlines resulting from flowline intersection with quadrangle map boundaries. We found instances of this occurring in all 18 processing units of the NHDplusV2 dataset. To aid in managing for this characteristic of the NHDPlus, this EcoReach table (nhdplusv2_ecoreachv2.0.csv) assigns all flowlines into units that are representative of ecological stream reaches. These "ecological stream reaches" may be defined by: stream origins, stream confluences, lake or reservoir inflows or outflows, and/or stream outflows (described in more...
Tags: Alabama, Aquatic habitats, Arizona, Arkansas, California, All tags...
This product was updated. The newest version can be found here: Using a combination of tabular and spatial data queries, we identified 124,233 flowlines in the NHDPlusV2 that were created due to breaks in flowlines resulting from flowline intersection with quadrangle map boundaries. We found instances of this occurring in all 18 processing units of the NHDplusV2 dataset. To aid in managing for this characteristic of the NHDPlus, this EcoReach table (nhdplusv2_ecoreach.csv) assigns all flowlines into units that are representative of ecological stream reaches. Using techniques described in this metadata a similar table was developed for the NHDPlusV1...
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