Montane regions support distinct animal and plant communities that are widely viewed as communities of high conservation concern due to their significant contribution to regional biodiversity. These communities are also thought to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenically caused stressors such as climate change, which is generally expected to cause upward shifts and potential range restrictions in montane plant and animal distributions. In the northern Appalachian Mountains of North America, not only is it becoming warmer at mid-elevations but the ecotone between the northern hardwood and the montane coniferous forests is also shifting. Therefore, species that are limited by climate or habitat along the elevational...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Appalachian,
Climate Change, All tags...
Drought, Fire and Extreme Weather,
Extreme Weather,
Northeast CASC,
Other Wildlife,
Wildlife and Plants, Fewer tags
Abstract (from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320715001834): Continental-scale monitoring programs with standardized survey protocols play an important role in conservation science by identifying species in decline and prioritizing conservation action. However, rare, inaccessible, or spatially fragmented communities may be underrepresented in continental-scale surveys. Data on these communities often come from decentralized, local monitoring efforts that differ in their goals and survey protocols. We combine 16 point count datasets, controlling for differences in protocol and detection probabilities to estimate regional trends for 14 spruce-fir forest bird species across Northeastern and Midwestern...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Birds,
Boreal birds,
Ecological monitoring,
Landscapes, All tags...
Northeast CASC,
Point counts,
Wildlife and Plants, Fewer tags