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Edie Marsh-Matthews

The Arkansas River Shiner (ARS), Notropis girardi, is a federally threatened minnow that now occurs natively in modest numbers only in the South Canadian River, following decades of range contraction and population losses. The remaining populations are at increasing risk as global change is expected to impact the upper and middle South Canadian River with a rise in temperature as much as 4-6 F and a decrease in precipitation from 10 to 35 % in this century. The primary objective of this project was to evaluate potential effects of habitat and environmental change on Arkansas River shiners by examination of habitat use and availability at several spatial scales using both historical and recently-collected data from...
Collections of fishes used for data analyses in the project:Historic and Current Habitat Use by Arkansas River Shiner in the South Canadian River in Central Oklahoma as Affected by River Flow: Predictions for Habitat Under Future Climate Scenarios”. Edie Marsh-Matthews and William J. Matthews. Funded and published by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative.Collections were all made by seines of a variety of sizes and mesh widths (details for collections are in the appropriate section of the report). Fishes collected were either identified in the field and released or preserved in the field and returned to the laboratory for identification. Habitat data were recorded for each site at different spatial...
The Arkansas River Shiner (ARS), Notropis girardi, is a federally threatened minnow that now occurs natively in modest numbers only in the South Canadian River, following decades of range contraction and population losses. The remaining populations are at increasing risk as global change is expected to impact the upper and middle South Canadian River with a rise in temperature as much as 4-6 F and a decrease in precipitation from 10 to 35 % in this century. The primary objective of this project was to evaluate potential effects of habitat and environmental change on Arkansas River shiners by examination of habitat use and availability at several spatial scales using both historical and recently-collected data from...
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