These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. The grtop_f grid represents the modeled elevation of the top of the Grande Ronde Basalt geomodel unit at a 500 foot resolution. It is one grid of a geomodel that consists of eleven grids and a spatial extent polygon shapefile. As part of a U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program study, a three-dimensional geomodel was constructed for approximately 53,000 mi2 of the Columbia Plateau in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This...
Tags: CPRAS,
Columbia Plateau,
Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System,
Columbia River Basalt,
Columbia River Basin, All tags...
Grande Ronde Basalt,
Pacific Northwest,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
inlandWaters, Fewer tags
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. The wnthk_f grid represents the modeled combined thickness of the Wanapum Basalt and the Vantage/Latah interbed geomodel units at a 500 foot resolution. It is one grid of a geomodel that consists of eleven grids and a spatial extent polygon shapefile. As part of a U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program study, a three-dimensional geomodel was constructed for approximately 53,000 mi2 of the Columbia Plateau in Washington,...
Tags: CPRAS,
Columbia Plateau,
Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System,
Columbia River Basalt,
Columbia River Basin, All tags...
Pacific Northwest,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wanapum Basalt,
inlandWaters, Fewer tags
These data describe the wells compiled for the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer Study (CPRAS). The data included are well ids used in the study, the X and Y coordinates of each well, in feet, in Washington State Plane South NAD 1983 coordinate system (zone 4602), land-surface elevation, in feet, of each well in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), the date each well was drilled, well depth, in feet, and quality flags for well location and land-surface elevation.
These data describe the wells and groundwater level elevations compiled for the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer Study (CPRAS). The well data included are well ids used in the study, the X and Y coordinates of each well, in feet, in Washington State Plane South NAD 1983 coordinate system (zone 4602), land-surface elevation, in feet, of each well in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), the date each well was drilled, well depth, in feet, and quality flags for well location and land-surface elevation. The water-level data included are well ids used in the study, the date of each water-level measurement, the groundwater elevation, in feet, in the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), the status...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. The pmtop_f grid represents the modeled elevation of the top of the Older Bedrock geomodel unit at a 500 foot resolution. It is one grid of a geomodel that consists of eleven grids and a spatial extent polygon shapefile. As part of a U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program study, a three-dimensional geomodel was constructed for approximately 53,000 mi2 of the Columbia Plateau in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This geomodel...
Tags: CPRAS,
Columbia Plateau,
Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System,
Columbia River Basalt,
Columbia River Basin, All tags...
Pacific Northwest,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
older bedrock, Fewer tags
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