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Great Basin LCC

Knowing where a species is found or may be found in the future is critical to developing a successful habitat conservation plan. This quick guide reviews correlation-based and process-based species distribution models and their uses in the context of HCPs. It also addresses considerations for evaluating species distribution models, using multiple models, and working with model uncertainty. Examples are provided.
FY2014There is increasing interest in climate change adaptation, particularly since the release of the Presidents Executive Order on Climate Preparedness in November, 2013, yet many field staff remain uncertain how to put adaptation into practice. Our goal with this project is to bridge the gap between the wealth of high-level climate adaptation guidance and the field staff who carry out specific regulatory processes, specifically Habitat Conservation Plans. Following best practices from the literature on linking science and management, we will begin with a focus on what people do rather than on the climate science. We will map the current HCP development and approval process in Region 8, identify where and how...
With HCPs, reserves are created as one means of mitigating take. This means they are designed to provide a target level of benefits for a particular species or set of species. This quick guide reviews approaches for designing and implementing reserves that address climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, and uncertainty. Examples are provided.
FY2015The Northwestern Great Basin ecoregion is one of the most intact ecosystems in the west. It is also a biological hotspot for migratory birds, greater sage-grouse and a stronghold for pronghorn antelope. However, altered fire regimes, invasive species, water scarcity, development, and climate change threaten the integrity of this landscape. Several efforts are ongoing for individual species, specific threats or sub-geographies, and over 60 existing plans and assessments have been identified for the region. This project will pull the pieces together to create a holistic view of shared priorities on the landscape.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Applications and Tools, All tags...
The Great Basin LCC is comprised of partner individuals and organizations. These individuals and groups sit on decision making committees such as the GBLCC Steering Committee and S-TEK Committee, conduct research that is financially supported by GBLCC, particpate in Landscape Conservation Design projects, serve as operations and communications staff for the organization and fill other significant organizational roles. These data contained herein describe the geographic distribution of the individuals and organizations locations of work for the purposes of strategic analysis and planning and public display. All past and present contributors to GBLCC strategic planning, operations, and research are included based...
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