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James Weakland

During 2009, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys continued a program, begun in 2006, of reconnaissance mapping of surficial geology in the proposed natural-gas pipeline corridor through the upper Tanana River valley. The study area is a 12-mi-wide (19.3-km-wide) area that straddles the Alaska Highway from the western boundaries of the Tanacross B-3 and A-3 quadrangles near Tetlin Junction eastward to the eastern boundaries of the Nabesna D-1 and C-1 quadrangles along the Canada border. Mapping during 2008-2009 in the Tanacross and Nabesna quadrangles linked with the mapping completed in the Tanacross, Big Delta and Mt. Hayes quadrangles in 2006-2008. Surficial geology was initially mapped in...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
This dataset contains information and locations on faults and associated folds in Alaska that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). The dataset is intended to part of the USGS archive for historic and ancient earthquake sources used in current and future probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses. This dataset presents a single source that summarizes important information on paleoseismic (ancient earthquakes) parameters including, age of most recent deformation, slip rate, slip sense dip direction, and accuracy of original mapping. These data are compiled from hundreds of journal articles, maps, theses, and other documents, as referenced herein. The geospatial...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
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