The data set associated with this metadata is included in three separate csv files: 'Occupancy_Data', 'Stage_Raw', and 'Flood_Stage_Height'. 'Occupancy_Data' was used to fit the dynamic occupancy models and includes 17 columns: Time: time periods numbered 1 to 5; 'Oxbow': individual oxbows numbered 1 through 10; 'OxbowName': the name of each oxbow; 'Species': species encountered during sampling, numbered 1 to 16; 'SpeciesName': common and scientific names for each species; 'Occ1', 'Occ2', 'Occ3': detection (1) and non-detection data for each Time, Oxbow, Species combination across 3 survey occasions (NAs represent surveys that did not occur); Binary-coded life history characteristics (traits) for each species:...
These datasets (e.g., 'Starved Rock fish clearing_multi-beam imaging sonar fish data_Pre-clearing_Sonar-s1.csv') include exported information (e.g., fish detection counts) from processed fixed-location multi-beam imaging sonar and mobile side-scan sonar data. Fish abundance in the navigation lock was determined using mobile side-scan surveys, while multi-beam imaging sonars were used to determine fish counts relative to time (i.e., fish per minute). The datasets were used to examine the efficacy of electricity and underwater acoustics, used in tandem, to affect fish abundance (as determined by hydroacoustic data sampling).