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Joan C. Hagar

Snags provide critical habitat for nearly one-third of wildlife species in forests of the Pacific Northwest, so historic declines in snags are thought to have had a strong impact on biodiversity. Resource managers often create snags to mitigate the scarcity of snags within managed forests, but information regarding the function and structure of created snags across long time periods (>20 years) is absent from the literature. Using snags that were created by topping mature Douglas-fir trees (Pseudotsuga menziesii) as part of the OSU College of Forestry Integrated Research Project, we measured characteristics of 731 snags and quantified foraging and breeding use of snags by birds 25-27 years after their creation....
This dataset includes two spreadsheets: The "Avian_abundance_oak_mistletoe_surveys_data" spreadsheet contains data regarding Oregon White Oak tree (Quercus garryana) measurements such as height, diameter and crown volume along with microhabitat data including number of mistletoe infections, number of cavities, amount of dead wood, amount of loose/missing bark, amount of poison oak, amount of bole cracks, and presence of woodpecker sign, bark-beetle sign, and fungal fruiting bodies. The "Avian_abundance_oak_mistletoe_bird_data" spreadsheet contains bird survey observations including data, time, temperature, precipitation, bird species observations, age/sex, and behavioral observations.
This is the second of two pages holding image data from this study. Remote camera stations were set up in Lassen Volcanic National Park from August to October 2017 and June to September 2018 to document occurrence of mesocarnivores and other wildlife. 126 cameras were set up at 32 primary sampling units (clusters of two to four cameras) throughout the park. Random locations for primary sampling units were chosen using a 3-km sampling grid over the park area. The dataset contains all species observed within the study time-frame, the date and time of observation and the number of individuals detected as well as identification for individual locations, cameras and images. Of the three target species of conservation...
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