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Joann Walker

The Souris River watershed spans more than 23,000 square miles (61,000 square kilometers) across Saskatchewan, North Dakota and Manitoba. The funding will support a cross-jurisdictional study led by Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Province of Manitoba researchers that will combine current and historic wetland inventories and examine water quality trends across watersheds with varying levels of wetland cover. Non-point source pollution from the Souris River watershed has been known to impact water quality throughout the watershed including the adjoining Assiniboine River and Lake Winnipeg.
The impact of agricultural drainage and resulting non-point source nutrient export on water quality is a growing concern across the entire Prairie Pothole Region. In Canada, the three Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan) are currently revising and reviewing surface water management strategies and have recognized the need for wetland restoration and conservation to help maintain and restore water quality, and sustain watershed health. However, unlike the US portion of the PPR, there is no complete wetland inventory for the Canadian portion of the PPR. As a result it is not currently possible to target wetland conservation and restoration efforts to maximize water quality benefits. This project...
We used publically available data on duck breeding distribution and recently compiled geospatialdata on upland habitat and environmental conditions to develop a spatially explicitmodel of breeding duck populations across the entire Prairie Pothole Region (PPR). Ourspatial population models were able to identify key areas for duck conservation across thePPR and predict between 62.1 – 79.1% (68.4% avg.) of the variation in duck counts by yearfrom 2002 – 2010. The median difference in observed vs. predicted duck counts at a transectsegment level was 4.6 ducks. Our models are the first seamless spatially explicit modelsof waterfowl abundance across the entire PPR and represent an initial step toward jointconservation...
The impact of agricultural drainage and resulting non-point source nutrient export on water quality is a growing concern across the entire Prairie Pothole Region. In Canada, the three Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan) are currently revising and reviewing surface water management strategies and have recognized the need for wetland restoration and conservation to help maintain and restore water quality, and sustain watershed health. However, unlike the US portion of the PPR, there is no complete wetland inventory for the Canadian portion of the PPR. As a result it is not currently possible to target wetland conservation and restoration efforts to maximize water quality benefits. This project...
The Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative (PPPLCC) encompasses over 1.2 million square kilometers in 3 Canadian Provinces and 7 US States. A main objective of the PPPLCC is to facilitate improved scientific understanding of the effects of broad-scale environmental stressors on plant and animal resources across this extensive region. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) promote broad-scale understanding by providing support for rigorous study, inventory, assessment, and monitoring of the amount and condition of habitat across extensive geographies. Development of coherent, validated GIS data for the PPPLCC region was therefore identified as an important initial step toward accomplishing the...
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