Fish distribution in Umpqua National Forest. The cover was built at two locations and by two people. Cottage Grove prepared the Cottage Grove district fish distribution and the Supervisors office prepared the fish distribution for Tiller, North Umpqua, and Diamond Lake districts. The SO then merged the two layers together. The fish distribution layer was developed using the existing stream layer, then identifying those streams and stream breaks for each fish species. The streams that don't have any fish distribution were deleted fom the layer. Arcview was the program used to create the layer utilizing heads-up digitizing to identify the breaks. This cover was built at a map scale of 1:24000.
Tags: NPLCC,
North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
Pacific Northwest Region, All tags...
Umpqua National Forest,
fish distribution,
species distribution, Fewer tags
The Fish_KeyWatershed feature class contains polygon corporate data which depicts fish key watersheds. This feature class is a product of the Pacific Northwest Region Coverage to Geodatabase Conversion Project in an effort to standardize data throughout the Region. Anadromous fish watersheds
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: NPLCC,
North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, All tags...
prioritization, Fewer tags
The Fish_AnadromousWsh feature class contains polygon corporate data which depicts the range of anadromous fish within watersheds. This feature class is a product of the Pacific Northwest Region Coverage to Geodatabase Conversion Project in an effort to standardize data throughout the Region.