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Joel E. Robinson

The San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado have long been recognized as a site of exceptionally voluminous mid-Tertiary volcanism, including at least 24 major ignimbrite sheets (each 150-5,000 km3) and associated caldera structures active at 33-23 Ma. More recent volcanologic and petrologic studies in the San Juan region have focused mainly on several ignimbrite-caldera systems: the southeastern area (Platoro complex), western calderas (Uncompahgre-Silverton-Lake City), the central cluster (La Garita-Creede calderas). The northeast San Juan region that was far less studied until recently occupies a transition between earlier volcanism in central Colorado and the larger-volume younger ignimbrite-caldera foci...
This digital database is the product of collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam, Foothill College GeoSpatial Technology Certificate Program, and the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska. The primary goal for creating this digital database is to enhance current estimates of organic carbon stored in deep permafrost, in particular Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-rich loess permafrost deposits, called Yedoma. This deposit is vulnerable to thermokarst and erosion due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The original paper maps were issued by the Department of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation or its predecessor the...
The Harrat Rahat volcanic field, located in the west-central part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the largest of 15 harrats (Arabic for 'volcanic field') hosted within the Arabian plate. Harrat Rahat is 50 to 75 km wide (east-west) and 300 km long (north-south), covering an area of approximately 20,000 square kilometers and encompassing more than 900 observable vents. The overall map area and its dataset show the volcanic geology of the northern part (about 3,340 square kilometers) of Harrat Rahat, at a scale of 1:75,000. Two additional map areas and their feature classes highlight areas of interest at 1:25,000 scale. Northern Harrat Rahat is of interest owing to the location of the city of Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah...
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