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Kathryn Lawson

This section provides code for reproducing the figures in Rahmani et al. (2023b). The full model archive is organized into these four child items: 1. Model code - Python files and README for reproducing model training and evaluation 2. Inputs - Basin attributes and shapefiles, forcing data, and stream temperature observations 3. Simulations - Simulation descriptions, configurations, and outputs [THIS ITEM] 4. Figure code - Jupyter notebook to recreate the figures in Rahmani et al. (2023b) The publication associated with this model archive is: Rahmani, F., Appling, A.P., Feng, D., Lawson, K., and Shen, C. 2023b. Identifying structural priors in a hybrid differentiable model for stream water temperature modeling....
This data release component contains water temperature predictions in 118 river catchments across the U.S. Predictions are from the four models described by Rahmani et al. (2020): locally-fitted linear regression, LSTM-noQ, LSTM-obsQ, and LSTM-simQ.
This data release component contains mean daily stream water temperature observations, retrieved from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) and used to train and validate all temperature models. The model training period was from 2010-10-01 to 2014-09-30, and the test period was from 2014-10-01 to 2016-09-30.
Categories: Data; Tags: AL, AR, AZ, Alabama, Arizona, All tags...
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