The Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons displays evidence of annual supply limitation with respect to sand both prior to [Topping et al, this issue] and after the closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963. Systematic changes in bed elevation and systematic coupled changes in suspended-sand concentration and grain size result from this supply limitation. During floods, sand supply limitation either causes or modifies a lag between the time of maximum discharge and the time of either maximum or minimum (depending on reach geometry) bed elevation. If, at a cross section where the bed aggrades with increasing flow, the maximum bed elevation is observed to lead the peak or the receding limb of a flood, then this observed...
A reach of the Sacramento River near Glenn, California, was selected as a field site to test a sensor payload developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for estimating surface flow velocities in rivers. The payload, called the River Observing System (RiOS), can be deployed from an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS). RiOS includes visible and thermal cameras, a laser range finder, an inertial navigation system, an embedded computer for storing and processing data, and a wireless link for transmitting data to a ground station. This data release includes thermal imagery acquired by RiOS and stored in Robot Operating System (ROS) *.bag files. The bag files are organized...