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Laura G. Labriola

A previously developed model ( was coupled with downscaled climate model data to determine the impact of climate variability on base flow and groundwater storage in the North Fork Red River aquifer, Oklahoma. The North Fork Red River aquifer is an alluvial aquifer that discharges groundwater to the North Fork Red River, which provides inflow to Lake Altus, an important water source for the surrounding communities. The impact of climate variability on hydrologic systems and the resulting effects on basins has become an important topic in assessing future water resources. Global climate projections from general circulation models, including the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project...
A previously published MODFLOW 2005 groundwater model ( of the Rush Springs aquifer was modified to assess the effects of groundwater withdrawals rates on spring discharge, streamflow, and groundwater availability pertaining to the Rush Springs aquifer in and near the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma Tribal jurisdictional area. Increases in industrial and public water supply needs have led to increased development of water resources within the Rush Springs aquifer. As new areas within the aquifer are developed, increased water withdrawals may result in decreases in available water resources and conflicts among water users. The Caddo Nation of Oklahoma is concerned about permitted water...
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