The surficial geology and glacial stratigraphy of Fort Richardson are extremely complex. Recent mapping by the USGS shows the general distribution of surficial deposits, but details on the underlying stratigraphy remain poorly known, leaving a critical gap in the understanding of ground water conditions below Fort Richardson. A conceptual model of the subsurface stratigraphy was developed on the basis of results of recent surficial mapping, current knowledge of the glacial history studies of modern glaciers, and limited subsurface data. A confining layer below the southern half of the cantonment is likely the northern extension of an "older" ground moraine that crops out further to the south. Below the cantonment,...
The glacial stratigraphy of Fort Richardson reflects deposition in glacial and glacial-marine environments during multiple retreat phases following the last glacial maximum. A preliminary model relied heavily on the glacial history off the region, mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey, and limited borehole logs. This report expands on that model and describes new subsurface data obtained from field observations and descriptions of stratigraphic exposures and core samples from 28 new boreholes between 1997 and 1998. Geophysical techniques were applied to seven of the new boreholes and 25 existing monitoring wells, augmenting surface techniques (ground resistivity and ground penetrating radar). Beneath the cantonment...
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