On August 19, 2015, approximately 30 tribal natural resource managers, as well as individuals from several non-profits, joined together in an effort to sustain and enhance culture, community, and conservation in the Crown of the Continent. The goal of this meeting was to share perspectives, cultivate connections among tribal natural resource managers, learn about activities underway, and explore how this work may fit together and complement other initiatives in the Crown of the Continent. At the core of the meeting was the need to hear about Tribal and First Nations perspectives and projects on important management issues. In order to achieve this goal, Tribal Natural Resource Managers shared their ideas and initiatives...
The project will establish contact with interested parties in each tribe or first nation within the Crown of the Continent to collect information on all relevant activities and research regarding climate and adaptive management within each tribal nation. We will coordinate a meeting of all interested tribal contacts and coordinate tribal activities with other efforts in the Crown including the Crown Managers Partnership, the Crown of the Continent Conservation Initiative, and the Crown Roundtable Adaptive Management Initiative.Objectives:Establish a contact on climate adaptation management in each interested first nation/tribe or related organization in the Crown of the Continent.Develop a white paper that summarizes...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Adaptive Management,
British Columbia,
Climate Change,
Conservation Planning, All tags...
Crown of the Continent,
Goal 2: Conserve landscape connectivity,
Goal 5: Sustain local, place-based land use values,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Regional & county planners,
Traditional Ecological Knowledge,
Vulnerability Assessment,
environment, Fewer tags
We will establish contact with interested parties in each tribe or first nation within the Crown of the Continent. She will collect information on all relevant activities and research regarding climate and adaptive management within each tribal nation. She will coordinate a meeting of all interested tribal contacts and coordinate tribal activities with other efforts in the Crown including the Crown Managers’ Partnership, the Crown of the Continent Conservation Initiative, and the Crown Roundtable Adaptive Management Initiative.
The project will establish contact with interested parties in each tribe or first nation within the Crown of the Continent to collect information on all relevant activities and research regarding climate and adaptive management within each tribal nation. We will coordinate a meeting of all interested tribal contacts and coordinate tribal activities with other efforts in the Crown including the Crown Managers’ Partnership, the Crown of the Continent Conservation Initiative, and the Crown Roundtable Adaptive Management Initiative.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Regional & county planners,
Tribes, All tags...
product, Fewer tags