This data set includes summary statistics and trend analysis results of various analytes from groundwater samples in Idaho (1990 to 2016).
This dataset is a compilation of data obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Quality, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Water Quality Portal. The 'SiteID' table catalogues organization-specific identification numbers assigned to each monitoring location.
This dataset is a compilation of data obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Quality, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Water Quality Portal. The 'MonitoringLocation' table stores attribute data for groundwater wells. This table is related to the 'SiteID' table (which lists the variety of names given to each well by different organizations) and the 'Samples' table (which shows each sample associated with a particular well).
This dataset is a compilation of data obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Quality, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Water Quality Portal. The 'Samples' table stores information about individual groundwater samples, including what was being sampled, when it was sampled, the results of the sample, etc. This table is related to the 'MonitoringLocation' table (which contains information about the well being sampled).