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Lynne Koontz

The Western Alaska LCC, the Department of Interior’s Alaska Climate Science Center​ and the Bureau of Land Management brought together 150 land and resource managers, field specialists, researchers and local knowledge experts to identify climate change related priority science/information needs for land and resource management in western Alaska. The workshop results help inform development of the LCC’s Science Strategy, which will guide the LCC’s efforts over the next ten years. The workshop was modeled in part after the 2007 WildREACH Workshop for the arctic region. Attendance was by invitation; workshop organizers sought diverse cross-program and cross-agency participation.
Rural America has changed dramatically over the last century, from having over half the population living in rural settings to only 20 percent residing in a rural area today, and outmigration of younger populations from rural communities remains a constant issue for local governing officials. A declining tax base and concurrent rising costs for maintenance and repair of aging infrastructure add further challenges to policy decisions. Reduced enrollment has caused school closures or mergers. Farm consolidation and technical advances reduced the demand for local labor. On the positive side, however, record-high commodity prices have amplified farm income to new heights. The increased revenues can lead to farmers spending...
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