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Marni Koopman

As climate change progresses and stressors to biodiversity continue to expand across the landscape, conservation actions need to be increasingly targeted and effective. Past and current efforts put more weight on investments in conservation application with less attention to monitoring the outcome and refining the approach. The inception of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives provided a timely opportunity to refine our approach to conservation in a way that maximizes return on investment to maintain important natural resources and ecosystems for future generations. The conservation community lags behind other sectors in evaluating the efficacy of their actions. For example, the concept of “business excellence”...
As conservation increases its emphasis on implementing change at landscape-level scales, multiagency, cross-boundary, and multi-stakeholder networks become more important. These elements complicate traditional notions of learning. To investigate this further, we examined structures of learning in the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs), which include the entire US and its territories, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean and Pacific island states. We used semi-structured interviews, transcribed and analyzed using NVivo, as well as a charrette-style workshop to understand the difference between the original stated goals of individual LCCs and the values and purposes expressed as the collaboration...
This report outlines the process that was taken to develop Performance Measures for the LCC Network, as well as the outcome, which consists of a suite of measures. We have documented the process so that you can better understand the discussions and information that went into the development of a performance measures framework. Input came from interviews with LCC Coordinators, review of LCC documents, review of relevant performance measures frameworks from natural resources and socioeconomic sectors, interviews with users and designers of relevant frameworks, and a two-day framework design “charrette” with the LCC Performance Measures Working Group. Some key features that were incorporated in the framework for the...
Presentation for the NPLCC webinar series - Managing Coast Redwoods for Resilience and Adaptation in Changing Climate Presentation
Coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) and their many associated species create an iconic ecosystem, yet the impacts of stressors, including a variety of land use practices and climate change, threaten their continued persistence on the landscape. In September 2013, we held a workshop with researchers, managers, and other redwoods experts to explore the likely impacts of climate change and develop some initial strategies for adaptation. Workshop participants from diverse backgrounds identified four primary strategies to increasing the resilience of redwood ecosystems in the face of climate change. These included (1) restoring old-growth characteristics that protect stands from many stressors; (2) improving connectivity...
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