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Martin R. Risch

This data release contains tabular digital data describing calculated hourly back trajectory position coordinates for air masses contributing to five selected precipitation-mercury deposition episodes at National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitoring site IN21 (National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 2017) in southeastern Indiana during 2009‒2015. The air pollution transport and dispersion modeling system HYSPLIT (Stein et. al, 2015) was used to calculate the back trajectory position coordinates during 48 hours preceding the start of each episode. The 40-km gridded input data to HYSPLIT were from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2017). Continuous, digital precipitation depth data were recorded...
Mercury (Hg) is a persistent environmental contaminant and can accumulate and concentrate in food webs as methylmercury (MeHg), presenting a health risk to humans and wildlife. Multiyear monitoring and modeling studies have shown that atmospheric Hg in litterfall is an important form of Hg deposition to forests. Litterfall consists primarily of leaves with some amounts of twigs, bark, flowers, seeds, fruits, and nuts. Atmospheric Hg accumulates in the forest canopy material and transfers to the forest floor in litterfall. This data set is derived from monthly litterfall collected at the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) site at El Verde, Puerto Rico, identification number...
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