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Michael Nullet

The following files contain source data for use of the Community Land Model 4.0 at two study sites in Volcanoes National Park, Hawai'i. Included are: Biometric data: 1) Growth increment data for Thurston and Olaa, based on dbh surveys done in four 10 m by 10 m plots at over a 12 year time period at Thurston and at six plots overs a 12 year period at Olaa, 2) Field measured leaf area index data. Measurements were made using LAI-2000 and LAI-2200 instruments, 3) Litterfall from Thurston and Olaa over a 17-mo period from June 2014 to Sep 2015. Data were sorted by species/litter type. Data are weights., 4) Field measured soil respiration data scaled to annual values and compared with tower-based measurements of ecosystem...
Land, water, and natural resource managers and planners across Hawai’i are tasked with making important decisions about the state’s future. Reliable projections of Hawaiʻi's climate are needed to inform these decisions. This project aims to provide this needed scientific information to resource managers by improving estimates of Hawaiʻi’s near-term climate for the coming years and decades. The goal of this project is to develop very high-resolution climate projections for the Hawaiian Islands over the period from 2010 to 2039. This timeframe is novel. Most climate projections for Hawai’i are for the end of the century. In contrast, the timeframe of this study is “now”, which has intuitive relevance to resource...
On Hawai‘i’s mountains, cloud droplets, propelled by strong winds, are deposited on plants, where they accumulate and drip to the ground, adding water over and above that supplied by rainfall. Prior studies show that the amount of intercepted cloud water is substantial, and variable from place to place. Estimates of the spatial patterns of cloud water interception (CWI), the fog-related effects on plants, and the contributions of fog to groundwater recharge and surface water flows are needed to better understand the water cycle and predict effects of climate change on water supply and ecosystems. We will make measurements of fog, wind, fog interception, soil moisture, and fog effects on plant water use and plant...
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