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Michael Schwartz

Estimated number of breeding pairs of LeConte's sparrow based on the amount of grass, trees, and/or hay in the landscape. Landscape scale varied from 1/4- to 2-mile radius depending on the species. Pair estimates were calculated for grass patches >=1 ha, extrapolated to 40-ac cells, then smoothed by averaging over a 1-mile radius. Models were based on point count surveys conducted in 2003-2005 throughout the Tallgrass Prairie Pothole Region. Point count locations were stratified by cover type, the amount of grass in the landscape, and USFWS Wetland Management District boundaries. Landcover data were derived from 2000 Thematic Mapper imagery. Grid values = number of breeding pairs per 30-m pixel.
Estimates of county tile drainage in the Mississippi River Basin. Data Sources: 2012 USDA NASS Census of Agriculture; World Resources Institute. 2008. Assessing Farm Drainage; USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 2014. Assessment of agricultural subsoil pattern tile drainage on wetland hydrology and ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole Region. Field Description tiled_acre Acres drained by tile (NASS Census of Agriculture, 2012) or drainage permit acres in Dakotas (NPWRC, 2014), whichever is higher. pct_tile Percent of county drained by tile (tiled_acre/cty_acr*100) prmtac2 Acres under drainage permit in North or South Dakota (NPWRC, 2014). Best_Guess Acres drained by tile (WRI - Assessing...
Combined core and corridor areas used to identify the landscape context of potential implementation opportunities in terms of enhancing functional connectivity. Data generated by The Conservation Fund as part of the Midwest Wind Energy Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and NiSource MSHCP green infrastructure network design processes.
Mainstem Mississippi River bottomlands. Derived by combining the Mississippi alluvial plain with natural floodplains created by the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team for the Upper Mississippi. While the Mississippi alluvial plain is not entirely bottomland (e.g. Crowley's Ridge), excluding these non-bottomland areas from analysis would exclude opportunities to expand existing forest patches and enhance connectivity.
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