Monitoring of lake chemistry in the western Adirondack region has indicated reductions in the acidity of these lakes during the past two decades. However, lakes are not always reliable indicators of streams and soils. Uncertainty remains regarding the recovery potential of surface waters and the effects of acidic deposition on soils. Furthermore, nitrogen, long considered a growth-limiting nutrient for northern temperate forests, is likely to be available in excess of that needed by Adirondack forest ecosystems as a result of acidic deposition. In this region, excess nitrogen in the soil leads to acidification of soils and surface waters. Calcium, important for acid neutralization, is also an important nutrient,...
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OGC WFS Layer,
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Tags: Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Assessment,
Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Assessment,
Buck Creek,
Climate Research and Development, All tags...
Cooperative Water Program,
Ecosystem Health,
Ecosystem Health,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
New York,
USGS New York Water Science Center,
Water Quality,
Water Quality,
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