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Nadine Piatak

The table contains oxide and cation compositions of olivine grains from drill core of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota. The oxides were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and are reported in weight percent (wt%). The cations were calculated based on the oxide compositions and are reported in mole percent (mol%). Olivine is a magnesium iron orthosilicate mineral with the formula (Mg2+, Fe2+)2SiO4. Olivine forms a solid solution series with magnesium (Mg) at one end and iron (Fe) at the other. Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) is the magnesium endmember and fayalite (Fe2SiO4) is the iron endmember. Minor elements can substitute into the crystal structure, such as manganese (Mn) and nickel (Ni). To better understand...
These data represent the air-free pH and specific conductance per pore volume of effluent generated by the phosphate removal column experiment. Solid samples used for the columns are of modern and legacy iron and steel slag from the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana, USA.
The Ironwood Iron-Formation, part of the Gogebic Iron Range in Wisconsin, is a Paleoproterozoic Superior-type banded iron formation (BIF) with substantial iron resource potential. The development of a Mesoproterozoic contact metamorphic aureole related to the emplacement of the Mellen Intrusive Complex resulted in the production of a variety of silicate minerals in the western portion of the Ironwood Iron-Formation, including amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine. The presence of amphibole minerals, some of which occur in a fibrous habit, has complicated development of this resource due to potential human health impacts. This data release provides information related to amphibole and other minerals in order that commercial,...
These data represent the major, minor, and trace element compositions of effluent water samples generated by column experiments of modern and legacy iron and steel slag from the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana. Details of the column experiments may be reviewed in the journal article listed in the cross-reference section of this data release titled, "Geochemical Characterization of Iron and Steel Slag and Its Potential to Remove Phosphate and Neutralize Acid".
Stable hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S) isotope data were collected from the Elizabeth copper mine Superfund site, South Strafford, Vermont. Sample media include surface water (H and O), groundwater (H and O), dissolved sulfate (O and S), and sulfide minerals in bulk mill tailings samples. Where available, supporting data for water samples include discharge, pH, specific conductance, and dissolved sulfate concentration. The water samples span a time period from August 1998 to October 2009.
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