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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This dataset provides the results of an assessment of estuary habitat condition in the conterminous United States. To analyze estuary condition, a cumulative disturbance index was developed based on habitat stressor variable data available at a national scale for anthropogenic disturbances measured within estuaries and their associated watersheds. Twenty-eight variables were combined within stressor categories to develop four sub-indices of disturbance for land use, alterations of river flows, pollution sources, and estuary eutrophication. These four sub-indices of disturbance were then combined to develop cumulative disturbance index scores for each estuary. This index describes the estimated combined stress on...
TheNorthSlopeofAlaskaliesonthenorthsideofBrooksRangeandincludesextensivecoastlinesalongtheChukchiSeaandBeaufortSea.TheseshorelinesarefundamentallydifferentfrommostofthecoastlineintheUSastheyareconsolidatedbypermafrostandsubjecttoperiglacialprocesses,includingcryogenicprocessesonshoreandnearshoreseasonalpackiceformation.ThesecoastsarehighlydynamicandundergoingsomeofthefastestretreatratesinNorthAmerica(GibbsandRichmondn.d.).Proposedoffshoreoildevelopmentactivitiesinthe ChukchiSeacoastandexistingoffshoredrillingislandsalongtheBeaufortSeacoastposeenvironmentalrisksforthesecoasts.Environmentalconcernsincludeincreasedairandseatraffic,accidentaloilspills,andpotentialportdevelopments.BOEMrequiresup-­‐to-­‐date,digitalmappingthatcanbeusedtosystematicallyassesstheseenvironmentalrisks.TheSh...
This project developed a series of maps depicting the distribution and probability of occurrence of marine birds in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. The maps are intended to be used for informing decisions about siting offshore facilities; marine spatial planning; and other uses requiring maps of seabird distributions.
Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) boundaries for Anadromous fish within the Western Oregon Plan (WOPR) Revision project area. Shows areas where species is a candidate or non-warranted along with threatened or endangered.BLM (Bureau of Land Management) WOPR (Western Oregon Plan Revision) FSH (Fish) PRMP (Proposed ResourceManagement Plan) ESU (Environmental Significant Unit) NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) This data is a PRMP release version of the data fsh_as_a_steelhead_esu_poly.
Focus: 1) Developing the U.S. Drought Portal, 2) Integrating and fostering coping strategies through research, preparedness, education and public awareness, 3) Integrating data and predictions, 4) Developing pilot programs for design and implementation of early warning systems in selected locations The U.S. Drought Portal is part of the interactive system to: Provide early warning about emerging and anticipated droughts Assimilate and quality control data about droughts and models Provide information about risk and impact of droughts to different agencies and stakeholders Provide information about past droughts for comparison and to understand current conditions Explain how to plan for and...
Categories: Web Site; Tags: drought
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