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Climate projection data were downloaded from the Climatewizard application for the coastal region for the Gulf of Mexico. Climate projection data represent the monthly, seasonal, and yearly mean for the time period of 2000-2050 for the following variables: AET:PET ratio, Moisture deficit, Moisture surplus, PET, Precipitation, Temperature, Rainfall Anomaly, and Standard Precipitation Index. In addition, models representing change in the average mean from period of (1961-1990) is available for each of the variables. Each projected variable is modeled using three different emission scenarios High (A1), Medium (A1B) and Low (B1).
The North Atlantic Region of the United States and Canada boasts diverse habitats, from coasts to mountains, that support endemic and rare plant species. However, recent conservation actions and prioritization efforts in this region have neglected to include plants. We have conducted a conservation assessment for vascular plants that occur in the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Using the best scientific data, we have developed a list of vascular plant species of concern for the region. We have refined the list with the input of Natural Heritage and other regional botanists and experts. For each species, we have determined regional conservation responsibility, developed regional ranks, updated...
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the southeastern portion of the LCC, covering the area from southern West Virginia, south to Alabama, west to eastern Kentucky and Tennessee. Hyperlinks to additional information are separated into two additional spreadsheets, one for aquatic and subterranean, and another for terrestrial species.
This project will create a targeted and easily understandable guide to tools that support landscape-level planning in the face of climate change for NPLCC partners. The guide will build on previous NPLCC research on decision support needs with an emphasis on tools currently in use in the region. A survey of NPLCC partners will discover who is currently using or planning to use tools in the region, tools they are using, how well these tools are meeting their needs, and regional and outside experts engaged in tool use. Additional tools research will provide information on tools not currently in use in the region that could also provide needed functionality.
NatureServe Explorer provides data on United States and Canada geographic distribution by nation, and by Canadian province or U.S. state for plants and animals. The sources of this broad-scale distribution information include scientific literature, museum specimen records, species lists, range maps, external databases, and consultation with experts, including scientists from natural heritage member programs. Each program also maintains finer scale distribution information for the species of greatest conservation concern in its jurisdiction. Questions about distribution within a specific jurisdiction should be directed to the local member program.
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