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New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

The elk (Cervus canadensis) of the Jemez herd reside primarily in and around the Valles Caldera National Preserve, west of Los Alamos, NM and along the mesa tops to the north and west of the Valles Caldera. The area has experienced two wildfires, the stand replacing Las Conchas Fire and the mixed severity Thompson Ridge fire, within the last decade, burning a total of 180,555 acres. The data used in this report was collected to examine the responses of elk to these wildfires and forest restoration treatments. The Jemez herd is only partially migratory, with residents that consistently remain on the Valles Caldera and individuals that travel to the surrounding lower elevation slopes depending on the year and snowpack...
The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of the Jemez Springs herd winter in the southwestern Jemez Mountains, south and east of the town of Jemez Springs. The area has experienced two severe wildfires, the Las Conchas and Thompson Ridge fires, within the last decade, burning a total of 180,555 acres. The data used in this report was collected to examine the responses of mule deer to these wildfires and forest restoration treatments. The winter range is located among the foothills of the Jemez Mountains, consisting primarily of pinyon-juniper woodlands. Individuals migrated an average of 26.1 miles, either to the western edge of the Jemez Mountains, near Blue Bird Mesa, or to the Valles Caldera. The central migration...
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates focuses on linking a spatial representation of species-habitat matrices to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of distribution from regional and state references in association with contiguous appropriate habitats. Ranges for all species were based on 8-digit HUCs. Habitats were based on a raster SWReGAP 1 acre MMU land cover data set, with hydrology habitats added in from USGS NHD dataset directly or through modeling. Habitat association information was obtained from various state, regional, and national references with updates from scientific literature. This portion of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project produced predicted habitat distribution maps for...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation
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