This data release summarizes suspended sediment monitoring results on the Bogachiel (USGS 12042800) and Calawah (USGS 12043000) Rivers between water years 2019 and 2021, based on a combination of continuous turbidity monitoring and discrete suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) measurements. Data and results for each monitoring station were combined into zip files. Each zip file contains: Summarized SSC measurements used in model calibration, a detailed model archive summary documenting the process used to estimate SSC at 15-minute intervals, and full 15-minute estimates of SSC and suspended loads between Oct. 1, 2018 and Sept 30, 2021. Metadata files within the zip files provide additional details on the file...
Tags: Bogachiel River,
Calawah River,
Land Use Change, All tags...
Olympic Mountains,
Quillayute River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Washington State,
Water Quality,
sediment transport,
suspended material (water), Fewer tags
The Quillayute River Basin in northwestern Washington consists of the Quillayute River and the river systems of its major tributaries, the Dickey, Sol Duc, and Bogachiel Rivers. With a drainage area of 629 square miles, the Quillayute River Basin provides important habitat for 23 distinct runs of anadromous steelhead and salmon, representing one of the largest and most productive watersheds on the Washington coast (Nelson, 1982; Hunter, 2006). The Quileute Tribe maintains treaty-protected fisheries at usual and accustomed areas in the Quillayute River Basin; however, these fisheries are currently at risk during the late summer as water temperatures within these areas may exceed the specific thermal tolerances of...
Tags: Bogachiel River,
Calawah River,
Clallam County,
Dickey River,
Hydrology, All tags...
Jefferson County,
La Push,
Quileute Indian Reservation,
Quillayute River,
Sol Duc River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States,
Water Resources,
aerial photography,
current meander,
data release,
field inventory and monitoring,
geolocation measurement,
geospatial analysis,
geospatial datasets,
groundwater and surface-water interaction,
image mosaics,
infrared imaging,
remote sensing,
scientific investigation,
sediment temperature modeling,
sediment vertical temperature profiles,
specific discharge,
surface water quality,
thermal imaging,
water temperature,
watershed management, Fewer tags
This dataset provides a zipfile containing 20 shapefiles with geo-referenced longitudinal stream temperature profiles (LTPs; .shp). Profiles were obtained from longitudinal “Lagrangian” drag-probe temperature surveys ("float surveys") of the Quillayute River, Washington. Near-streambed and near-surface water temperature and conductivity were measured at three-second intervals using HOBO U24 sensors and the spatial location of each measurement was recorded using a GPS while drifting downstream in a kayak at ambient stream velocity following the method of Vaccaro and Maloy (2006). The study area consisted of the Quillayute River from its upstream-most point at the confluence of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers to...
Tags: Clallam County,
Quillayute River,
United States,
data release, All tags...
field inventory and monitoring,
geolocation measurement,
geospatial analysis,
geospatial datasets,
groundwater and surface-water interaction,
scientific interpretation,
study areas,
surface water quality,
water temperature,
watershed management, Fewer tags