This dataset contains a point cloud and orthophoto of the Curtis Lake North area, Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California created using structure-from-motion. It is Dataset S1 in the related manuscript.
This dataset contains a point cloud and orthophoto of the Nelson Slides area, Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California created using structure-from-motion. It is Dataset S3 in the related manuscript.
This dataset contains simplified fault traces, derived from the lineament mapping, for the Pit River region, northeastern California.
40Ar/39Ar data and ages for select bedrock volcanic samples listed in Table 1 Volcanic Rock Samples and described in Table S4 in the related manuscript. Samples collected from the Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California.
This dataset contains 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California, and can be found in Table 3 in the related manuscript.
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