The compressed files shown below consist of approximately 63000 out of 281258 total raw media files (photos) associated with the data release entitled SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1; doi:10.5066/P1VUKJQK.
The compressed files shown below consist of approximately 63000 out of 281258 total raw media files (photos) associated with the data release entitled SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1; doi:10.5066/P1VUKJQK.
This volume's release consists of 281258 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated" by either...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aegolius acadicus,
Alces americanus americanus,
Canis latrans,
Canis lupus,
Catharus guttatus, All tags...
Corvus brachyrhynchos,
Cyanocitta cristata,
Dryocopus pileatus,
Lepus americanus,
Leuconotopicus villosus,
Lynx rufus,
Martes americana,
Mustela frenata,
Mustela vison,
New England,
Odocoileus virginianus,
Ondatra zibethicus,
Pekania pennanti,
Perisoreus canadensis,
Picoides arcticus,
Poecile atricapillus,
Procyon lotor,
Sciurus carolinensis,
Setophaga coronata,
Tamias striatus,
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus,
Turdus migratorius,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Urocyon cinereoargenteus,
Ursus americanus,
Vulpes vulpes,
Wildlife Biology,
animal tracking,
boreal forest,
ecological forestry,
ecosystem monitoring,
field inventory and monitoring,
forest management,
remote sensing,
small mammals,
temperate forest,
time series datasets,
wildlife biology,
wildlife monitoring, Fewer tags
The compressed files shown below consist of approximately 63000 out of 281258 total raw media files (photos) associated with the data release entitled SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1; doi:10.5066/P1VUKJQK.
The compressed files shown below consist of approximately 63000 out of 281258 total raw media files (photos) associated with the data release entitled SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1; doi:10.5066/P1VUKJQK.
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