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Rochester, R.A.

This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of seven same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Honokōwai Stream, Maui, Hawai'i on August 11, 2022. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging...
This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of seven same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Olowalu Stream, Maui, Hawai'i on May 12, 2022. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging...
This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of six same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Kahoma Stream, Maui, Hawai'i on November 30, 2022. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging...
This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of twenty same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Honokōhau Stream, Maui, Hawai'i on August 25, 2022. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging...
This data release contains a comma-delimited ascii file of four same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along selected reaches of Kanahā Stream, Maui, Hawai'i on June 1, 2022. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, generally characterized by negligible direct runoff within the reach. The measurements can be used to characterize the net seepage of water into (water gain) or out of (water loss) the stream channel between measurement sites provided that the measurements were made during stable, nonchanging flow...
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