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Roger L. Hothem

We conducted a multi-year study (2010–2012) to investigate diel patterns of specific incubation behaviors of nesting black-crowned night-herons Nycticorax nycticorax (hereinafter night-herons) on Alcatraz Island, California. This dataset includes hourly percentages of specific incubation behaviors (i.e. inactivity, vigilance, preening, and nest maintenance) from ~230 video-monitored nest days across 83 nests (18 in 2010, 30 in 2011, and 35 in 2012).
This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release contains the data and metadata associated with the journal article. Parental incubation behavior largely influences nest survival, a critical demographic process in avian population dynamics, and behaviors vary across species with different life history breeding strategies. Although research has identified nest survival advantages of mixing colonies, behavioral mechanisms that might explain these effects is largely lacking. We examined parental incubation behavior using video-monitoring techniques on Alcatraz Island, California, of black-crowned night-heron Nycticorax nycticorax (hereinafter, night-heron) in a mixed-species colony with California gulls Larus californicus...
We conducted a multi-year study (2010–2012) to investigate ecological factors that affect incubation behavior of nesting black-crowned night-herons Nycticorax nycticorax (hereinafter night-herons) on Alcatraz Island, California. This dataset includes incubation behavior data collected using video-monitoring techniques, as well as explanatory variables (temporal, weather, and nest site characteristics) from 2011-2012, and includes data for 126 video-monitored nest days across 64 nests (30 in 2011, and 34 in 2012). This dataset was used to model two different incubation behaviors (i.e. incubation constancy, and nest attendance), with respect to temporal, weather, and nest site characteristic variables, and specifically...
We conducted a multi-year study (2010–2012) to investigate ecological factors that affect incubation behavior of nesting black-crowned night-herons Nycticorax nycticorax (hereinafter night-herons) on Alcatraz Island, California. This dataset includes incubation behavior data collected using video-monitoring techniques, as well as explanatory variables (temporal, weather, and nest site characteristics) from all three years of the study (2010-2012), and includes data for 211 video-monitored nest days across 81 nests (17 in 2010, 30 in 2011, and 34 in 2012). This dataset was used to model two different incubation behaviors (i.e. incubation constancy (INCCONST), and nest attendance (ATTEND)), with respect to temporal,...
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