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Roger Sayre

A new data layer provides global coastal segments at 1 km or shorter resolution produced from a partitioning of a 30 m Landsat-derived shoreline vector that was segmented into 4 million 1 km or shorter segments. Each segment was attributed with values from 10 variables that represent the ecological settings in which the coastline occurs, including properties of the adjacent water, adjacent land, and coastline itself. The 4 million segments were classified into 81,000 coastal segment units (CSUs) as unique combinations of variable classes.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has generated land surface form classes for the contiguous United States. These land surface form classes were created as part of an effort to map standardized, terrestrial ecosystems for the nation using a classification developed by NatureServe (Comer and others, 2003). Ecosystem distributions were modeled using a biophysical stratification approach developed for South America (Sayre and others, 2008) and now being implemented globally (Sayre and others, 2007). Land surface forms strongly influence the differentiation and distribution of terrestrial ecosystems, and are one of the key input layers in the ecosystem delineation process.The methodology used to produce these land surface...
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems datalayer is a global raster dataset at a 250 m spatial resolution where 431 ecosystem types are identified and mapped. Each ecosystem type is a unique combination of vegetation/land cover, climate region, and landform. The data is available as attached file "USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx" at The data are distributed in Esri map package format (USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx) and can be used by any software that can process this format, sometimes requiring minor format adjustments. NOTE: This global dataset replaces the Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States, NGDAID4,
Africa terrestrial ecosystems were modeled using a biophysical stratification approach based on mapping the major structural components of ecosystems. New 90 meter base resolution continental datasets were developed for several key physical environment datalayers including coastlines, land surface forms, surficial lithology, and bioclimates. These unique physical components, considered as the fundamental building blocks of ecosystems, were reviewed by regional vegetation and landscape ecology experts and used in a classification and regression tree (CART) inductive model to map intermediate scale Africa terrestrial ecosystems. In the final dataset a total of 126 terrestrial ecosystem types were mapped, each with...
A new 30 meter resolution polygon data layer of the islands of the United States, with associated attributes describing key physical and conservation geography characteristics. Islands were grouped into a three-tiered hierarchy of island provinces (12), island regions (28), and individual islands (a total of 19,023 islands were extracted). Islands were classified as estuarine vs non-estuarine, and nearshore vs. offshore.
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