The Wisconsin Resource Trend Analysis station was established in July 1988. Training was provided in water quality techniques based on the Procedures Manual for the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. The Station was equipped with sampling instruments and water quality sampling began by the third week in July, from the navigable section of Pool 8 of the Mississippi River. Weekly trends were similar in all habitats types throughout the sampling period, July 17 to October 31, 1988. Dissolved oxygen average levels showed an increase at all habitats during the sampling period. Water clarity increased through the sampling period with a decrease in average turbidity and an increase in average secchi depth transparencies...
Five habitats were required to be sampled under the LTRMP: Channel Border Unstructured (CB-U), Channel Border - Wing Dam (CB-W), Backwater Contiguous (BW-C), Backwater Isolated (BW-I), and Impoundment (IMP). Similar weekly trends were seen in all five habitats during the year. Water clarity as indicated by nephelometric turbidity and Secchi disk depth transparency decreased from winter to summer, then increased during late summer and autumn. Dissolved oxygen (DO) showed similar trends in all habitats, as did temperature. A period of severe thunderstorms during the end of May produced sufficient runoff to increase flows in the river. All habitats experienced a very noticeable decrease in DO levels and a slight increase...