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Sean P. Casler

Hawaiian hoary bats ('ōpe'ape'a; Lasiurus semotus) were surveyed at 23 sites on Hawaiʻi Island from 33 to 2,341 m elevation from May 2018 to August 2021. Of the 23 sites, 8 were established as fixed survey sites for sampling at repeated intervals from January 2019 through January 2021. We surveyed each fixed site at least once per four month period (January–April, May–August, September–December), with a survey comprising one to three netting events. Additional opportunistic surveys were conducted at alternate locations or on alternate dates. We captured 138 unique bats (37 female, 101 male) and recaptured 10 bats over 224 mist-netting events. This data file includes data pertaining to mist netting effort locations,...
‘Ōpe‘ape‘a (Hawaiian hoary bats; Lasiurus semotus) were surveyed at 23 sites on Hawaiʻi Island from 33 to 2,341 m elevation from May 2018 to August 2021. Bats were captured using mist nets; once detangled from mist nets, bats were secured in cloth holding bags for up to 10 min before collecting age, sex, reproductive condition, mass, forearm length, and biological samples and marking individuals with split ring bands and attaching very high frequency (VHF) radio transmitters. We captured 138 uniquely identified individuals (37 female, 101 male), of which 10 were recaptured (4 female, 6 male) and an additional 10 were ensnared in nets and escaped, for a total of 158. This data file includes data related to individual...
Hawaiian hoary bats ('ōpe'ape'a; Lasiurus semotus) were captured at 23 sites on Hawaiʻi Island from May 2018 through August 2021. Radio transmitters were affixed to captured bats and, when possible, radio telemetry was used to locate bats in trees or forest stands used for day-roosts. Repeated visits to confirm bat presence were conducted until radio-tagged bats were no longer detected. Of the total 148 captured bats we affixed 131 with radio transmitters and attempted to relocate 127 (38 female; 89 male; 120 adult; 7 juvenile) on subsequent days of tracking. Radio signals were not detected for 36 bats (6 female; 30 male). Of the 91 bats (32 female; 59 male) relocated, males retained transmitters longer than females...
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