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Simmons, Trey

During the 2012 field season, the Central Alaska Network (CAKN) Stream Monitoring Program made 130 site visits to 58 unique stream sites across the network (Figure 1), with each site being sampled one to five times from early May through late September. The data collected included instantaneous water chemistry, stream flow, water chemistry samples, macroinvertebrates, benthic diatoms, stable isotope samples, habitat data and environmental DNA samples. Continuous year-round temperature monitoring at 23 sites across the network is ongoing. At the request of DENA staff, the Stream Monitoring Program collected water chemistry, metals, invertebrates and diatoms from 7 sites in the Kantishna Hills. Active layer depth...
This report describes the results of the 2006 field season for the Central Alaska Network (CAKN) flowing waters monitoring program. The key objectives for the 2006 field season were to assess the logistics involved in various sampling approaches and to collect data from a variety of streams as a way to begin to determine the range of natural variability for various candidate biological, chemical and physical metrics. I was able to collect data at 13 study sites located throughout WRST. Two of these sites were visited in two different seasons (summer and autumn) to assess seasonal variability, which was substantial for invertebrates and diatoms and moderate for water chemistry parameters. At one of these sites, multiple...
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