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Southeast Region: LMG-INVEST OPRS PROG

During the spring and summer of 2020, the U.S. Geological Survey, Lower Mississippi – Gulf Water Science Center, conducted single well slug tests on selected wells within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain in Arkansas and Mississippi to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K) and transmissivity (T) values for the aquifers in which the wells are screened. A total of 324 tests were conducted on 48 wells. The computer software AQTESOLV version 4.50.002 (HydroSOLVE, Inc., 2007) was used to interpret the slug test data to estimate K and T values. Mean estimates of K for the 44 wells screened in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer ranged from 3 to 401 feet per day (ft/day) and mean estimates of T ranged from 285 to...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: 500-Foot Sand Memphis Sand, 500-Foot Sand Memphis Sand, 500-foot Sand, Ar, Arkansas, All tags...
The dataset includes flood-frequency data and related files for 211 streamgages operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Louisiana and parts of the surrounding states of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas as well as assembled explanatory variables (physical, climatic, and land-use characteristics of the basins). The data in this release were used in generalized least-squares (GLS ) regression analyses (Stedinger and Tasker, 1985) to generate equations used to predict annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) at ungaged locations on streams in the study area (Ensminger and others, 2021). Flood-frequency analyses were conducted using annual peak-flow data from the 1877-2016 water years to estimate streamflows...
The recent completion of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS) for New Orleans has effectively blocked surface water exchange between Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge (BSNWR) and the surrounding Lake(s) Pontchartrain and Borgne and the Gulf of Mexico to which it was once connected. Monitoring changes in hydrology, water quality, bird habitat variability, and resident waterbird and nekton communities within BSNWR is important to the long-term sustainability of these aquatic resources for use by visitors and aquatic life in these habitats. In particular, landscape and hydrologic modifications from management and restoration projects in southeastern Louisiana...
As demands on groundwater continue to increase, decision-makers need all available information to ensure the sustainability of this important natural resource. Since the 1940's, commercial, academic, and government hydrologists have used aquifer tests to estimate the hydrogeologic properties of an aquifer near test wells. Results from these tests are recorded in various files, databases, reports, and scientific publications. The Lower Mississippi-Gulf (LMG)-Hydrogeologic Aquifer Test dataset aggregates aquifer test results from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee into a single dataset that is publicly available in a machine readable format. The dataset includes the following information: Location...
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