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Steven Fuller

Contributing to a core component of the Nature’s Network, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy conducted an analysis on species-habitat associations data to develop a measure of overall species importance, summarized across all species, for each habitat class in the Northeast. This project extended the Habitat Associations project, in which the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative partnered with NatureServe to produce a tabular dataset linking set of terrestrial and aquatic habitat layers with NatureServe element occurrence data for over 600 species of greatest conservation concern identified by states in FWS Region 5. Results data from the analysis were delivered in tabular format and joined to the...
The North Atlantic LCC and Northeast states developed a synthesis of regional conservation information for State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) revisions. The compiled information on species and habitats provided a regional context for SWAP elements and has been made available for voluntary inclusion into each state’s Plan via a dynamic, web-based information management system.
The Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee (NEFWDTC) and its partner organizations, public and private, offer the Northeast Regional Synthesis as a work in progress, an early result of our long-term commitment to regional collaboration and successful conservation of wildlife species and the lands and waters that sustain them.This document represents a landmark regional collaboration in the history of wildlife conservation in the United States. It is also designed as a practical tool that will help guide state fish and wildlife agencies and their conservation partners in setting priorities and making on-the-ground conservation decisions that affect the future of wildlife and the habitats that support...
Habitat Importance for Imperiled Species is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project. Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. Important Habitats are a group of critical terrestrial and aquatic habitats for imperiled species. The dataset was created by studying the overlap of 600 Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and their documented occurrences (from tens of thousands of data points) with terrestrial and aquatic habitats mapped by The Nature Conservancy and UMASS. *NOTE - The download of this data also includes Habitat Condition...
Habitat Condition for Imperiled Species is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project ( Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. This product represents a regional network of habitats critical for sustaining populations of imperiled species, currently based on over 600 Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). A number of additional datasets that augment or complement Habitat Condition for Imperiled Species, including Core Habitat for Imperiled Species, are also available in the Nature’s Network gallery. A detailed technical...
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