This dataset contains the components of and resultant Rarity and Climate Sensitivity (RCS) values for 90 species of frogs and toads native to the conterminous United States. The RCS metric uses point occurrences to describe area of occurrence, quantifies the variation of climate conditions within that area, and combines and scales the two for a multispecies assessment of intrinsic sensitivity to climate change. The RCS metric was calculated at two geographic extents, the conterminous US and the North American continent. We also used two spatial grains: 1 km buffered occurrence points and small watersheds (Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 12 watershed boundaries within and HydroBASIN level 12 watershed boundaries outside...
We present TRAD: Thermal traits of anurans database for the Southeastern United States, a database of thermal trait values related to physiological (critical thermal minima and maxima, preferred temperature, mass) and behavioral thermoregulation (activity period, retreat emergence temperature, basking temperature, foraging temperature minimum and maximum) for 40 anuran species found within the southeastern United States. Using a species-centric approach, we collated this database by first identifying trait values from large reservoirs of amphibian ecology and natural history and then searching the literature using primarily Web of Science to thoroughly identify available thermal trait data. The TRAD database provides...