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USGS Astrogeology Science Center

This dataset contains two feature classes - contacts and map units - digitized from the Atlas of Mars 1:5,000,000 Geologic Series Map Amenthes Area (1979). Geologic structures have been omitted.
CSV files containing measurements of ventifact feature and wind tail orientations, sand flux and wind modeling results.
The original geologic maps of the Apennine-Hadley region (I-723) were published in 1971 as two map sheets (1:250,000 and 1:50,000) in a Transverse Mercator projection to support the Apollo 15 mission, the fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon (July 26 – August 7, 1971). These renovated versions of the 1:50k and 1:250k maps represent a best effort to capture and preserve the fidelity of the original mapping effort in an interactive digital format. These maps are not updated versions or reinterpretations of the original geologic maps which were based on Lunar Orbiter images, but spatial adjustments to a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Wide Angle Camera (WAC) basemap to make the maps more compatible with current...
Appendices include the original survey, response data, and collated results related to the Open File Report. Geoscience maps, regardless of target body, are spatial and temporal representations of materials and processes recorded on planetary surfaces (Varnes, 1973; Spencer, 2000). The information and context provided by these maps promote basic and applied research within and across various geoscience disciplines. They also provide an important basis for programmatic and policy decisions (for example, H.R. 2763 – 102nd Congress, National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992). Since 1961, planetary (that is, all solid surface bodies in the Solar System beyond Earth) geoscience maps have been used in nearly every facet of...
The Mars Global Digital Dune Database provides a comprehensive and quantitative view of the geographic distribution of dune fields from 65° N to 65° S latitude. The database encompasses ~ 550 dune fields, covering ~ 70,000 km2, with an estimated total volume between 3,600 km3 and 13,400 km3. Over 2300 selected Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared (IR), THEMIS visible (VIS) and Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle (MOC NA) images were used to build the database and are included in the ArcMap and ArcReader versions of the database. An initial data set of THEMIS band 9 spectral range images covering orbits 816-9601 (spanning 02/2002 - 02/2004 and Ls = 0.085º-358.531º) and comprising more than 30,000 images...
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