Core Research Center, core U966, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U966", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "3 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.73", "Longitude": "-118.052778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9ss94vu8", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "36"}], "crcwc_url": "https://my.usgs.gov/crcwc/core/report/16846",...
Core Research Center, core U965, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U965", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "4 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.729722", "Longitude": "-118.067778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9k3xt3gy", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "33"}], "crcwc_url": "https://my.usgs.gov/crcwc/core/report/16845",...
Core Research Center, core U967, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U967", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "2 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.734444", "Longitude": "-118.052778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9tke4fhw", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "23"}], "crcwc_url": "https://my.usgs.gov/crcwc/core/report/16847",...
Core Research Center, core U964, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U964", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "5 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.718889", "Longitude": "-118.079444", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9490mw91", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "38"}], "crcwc_url": "https://my.usgs.gov/crcwc/core/report/16844",...
Core Research Center, core U963, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U963", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "6 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.736944", "Longitude": "-118.073889", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9jv1wupp", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "40"}], "crcwc_url": "https://my.usgs.gov/crcwc/core/report/16843",...
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