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University of California Davis, Information Center for the Environment

The Climate Commons is the California LCC’s starting point for discovery of climate change data and related resources, information about the science that produced it, and guidance for applying climate change science to conservation in California. One of the services the Commons offers is a collection of articles introducing and explaining key concepts relating to climate change and conservation in California, helping resource managers get up to speed with this science and find important resources that they need to incorporate climate science into their conservation planning. Topics included: Scenario planning, climate-smart conservation, vulnerability assessment, sea-level rise, a summary of the most current climate...
The Climate Commons is the California LCC’s starting point for discovery of climate change data and related resources, information about the science that produced it, and guidance for applying climate change science to conservation in California. The Climate Commons is a website with searchable catalogs for documents, datasets, and web resources relevant to applying climate change science to conservation management. Also available are articles about a wide range of topics intended to help natural resource managers learn about climate science and how to apply it in their work. All CA LCC’s funded research projects are presented with a web page describing the project and linking to data management plans and completed...
The Basin Characterization Model (BCM) dataset provides historical and projected climate and hydrology data at a 270 meter resolution, which is relevant for watershed-scale evaluation and planning. These data have formed the basis for multiple research projects and vulnerability assessments applying climate change projections to conservation decision-making, providing a common base-layer and set of assumptions across these projects.This article on the Climate Commons provides documentation, examples, and links intended to assist resource managers and researchers in accessing and using this data. Please see also the Webinar hosted by the CA LCC on September 17, 2014, “Webinar: The 2014 Basin Characterization Model...
Selected climate and biogeographic model datasets are hosted by the Climate Commons and made available for viewing and download in a custom interactive map utility designed for the purpose of making very large and multi-layer datasets easily comprehensible and accessible to everyone who needs them. Logged-in users see a link to the visualization and download pages in the catalog record for the hosted dataset, and can select from the combinations of global climate model, emissions scenario, and data parameters, as well as set a geographic area of interest. Clicking “Download” provides a zipped folder with the selected data layer in several formats and metadata documentation, including links back to the Commons catalog...
In its first funded year this project created an online environment in which land managers and their technical support staff can quickly find the climate adaptation information they need and communicate with the researchers producing the data. Phase 2 of the project focused on reaching out to the user community to get them engaged in the Climate Commons, and continuing development of the site. In year 3 and beyond, the Climate Commons became the CA LCC’s project data management platform as well as a digital library offering a starting place to find climate change science relevant to conservation decision-making.
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: 2011, 2012, Academics & scientific researchers, Applications and Tools, CA, All tags...
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